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Meeting called to order at 1740 by the President.

Invocation was given by LT Mena.

Lt Col Lindsay- Open Remarks. New guest included CWO4 Gaile Lee and 1st Lt Sunny Montas.

The agenda was handed out and read individually. The agenda was adopted with no changes.

Minutes for the 05 April 2001 meeting were handed out and read individually. The minutes were adopted with one change, correction to the total ending balance. The correct ending balance was 1508.95 vice the reported 1797.38.

Correspondence- The quarterly Adopt-A-Highway newsletter was received and passed around the general body.

Treasurer's report given by Capt Johnson. Annual Scholarship balance is currently $1095.00 and Chapter Treasury current operating balance is $439.45. Total ending balance is $1534.45. Properly moved and seconded to accept report as given.

Committee Reports:

PME Committee: The Luncheon PME series will resume after the National Conference.

Unfinished Business: NONE

New Business:
* Chapter officers elections-The following officers were elected as Quantico Chapter officers for the 2001-2002 year:

President Capt David Everly
Vice-President Maj Anthony Henderson
Treasurer CWO4 Gaile Lee
Secretary Capt Nick Brown
Chaplain Chaplain Mena
Membership Director Capt Eric Kelly
Chapter PAO 1stLt Burrell Parmer

The new officers and executive board will be installed after the National Conference.
-Congratulations to Capt Newell for his new born child.
-Congratulations to Capt Noel Johnson for his upcoming nuptials.
-Congratulations to 1st Lt Beckford for his recently awarded Masters Degree.
-Online registration is available on www.nnoa.org.

Up-coming events include:
NAACP Conference: 6-12 July in New Orleans.
MPMA (Montford Point Marine Association) Conference: 18-22 July
NNOA Conference: 16-20 Jul 01- Quantico, VA
Adopt-A-Highway clean-up: 23 June 01 at 0700

Meeting with a prayer by LT Mena.

Adjourned at 1825 by LtCol Lindsay.


LtCol Denice Williams MCSC x5827
LtCol Eric Lindsay MCRC x9437
Maj Anthony Henderson MMOA x9272
NH-4 Joe Johnson MCSC x0922
Capt Jon Newell Finance Branch x2459
Capt Tamia Mewborn SJA, MCB x3679
Capt Joseph Johnson MCU x2485
Capt Nick Brown AWS Staff x2766
Capt Katia Garcia MCU x6815
Capt James Noel MCRC x9449
LT Kevin Williams, USN Medical Clinic x1600
LT Isha Everly, USN OCS, Medical Clinic x2062
Capt David Everly TBS x5729
1st Lt Sunny Montas MCRC x9449
1st Lt Chris Beckford TECOM x0096
2nd Lt Kwabena Gyimah TECOM
2nd Lt Reginald Sinevet TECOM