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Meeting called to order at 1739 by Lt Col Williams.

Invocation was given by LT Mena.

Lt Col Williams- Open Remarks.

The agenda and minutes read by LtCol Williams. The agenda and minutes were adopted with no changes.

Correspondence- None

Treasurer's report given by CWO4 Gaile Lee. Total ending balance is $1566.48. A new National conference account was opened to handle National Conference cash flow. Properly moved and seconded to accept report as given.

Committee Reports:

Scholarship Committee: 33 applications received; 6 finalists have been selected. The two scholarship recipients will be selected NLT 8 Jun 01 and announced.

Unfinished Business: NONE

New Business: NONE

National Conference Update.

-Congratulations to Capt Beckford for his recent promotion.
-Adopt-A-Highway Clean up on 23 June 01 at 0700, Commuter Parking Lot across from the US INN on Route 1.
-Online registration is available on www.nnoa.org.

Up-coming events include:
NAACP Conference: 6-12 July in New Orleans.
MPMA (Montford Point Marine Association) Conference: 18-22 July
NNOA Conference: 16-20 Jul 01- Quantico, VA
Adopt-A-Highway clean-up: 23 June 01 at 0700

Meeting with a prayer by LT Mena.

Adjourned at 185 by LtCol Williams.


LtCol Denice Williams MCSC x5827
Maj Anthony Henderson MMOA x9272
Maj Don Mills MCU
Capt Nick Brown AWS Staff x2766
LT Kevin Williams, USN Medical Clinic x1600
Capt David Everly TBS x5729
Capt Chris Beckford TECOM x0096
Capt Brandon Moore WTBN
Capt Eric Kelly WTBN
LT Mena, USN