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Meeting called to order at 1055 by the President, Capt Everly.

The following 3rd quarter topics and tentative dates were identified and discussed by the Executive Board.

Adopt-A-Highway - The 3rd Quarter Adopt-A-Highway will be conducted on Saturday, 9 March 2002. The 4th Quarter Adopt-A-Highway will be conducted on Saturday, 8 June 2002. The dates are confirmed and will be annotated on the calendar.

Black History Month Dinner - Will be held on 23 February 2002
(Location of the Dinner, TBA).

PME - The PME luncheon series will continue during the 2nd half of the year, additional PME will be scheduled and will be conducted in conjunction with NNOA socials and/or MOS mixers at TBS. 3rd Quarter scheduled PME events are as follows:
10 January 2002, in conjunction with the Fox Co, MOS mixer
30 January 2002, PME luncheon at the Clubs of Quantico.
13 February 2002, PME luncheon at the Clubs of Quantico.
20 March 2002, PME luncheon at the Clubs of Quantico

4th Quarter scheduled PME events are as follows:
17 April 2002 PME luncheon at the Clubs
Week of 6 May 2002 - General/Flag Officers Panel
(Board members are asked to forward a theme for the Panel discussion to the PME Committee Chair (1stLt White) no later than 3 December 2001.
12 June 2002 - PME luncheon at the Clubs
Guest speakers and topics for guest speaker discussion will be identified to the membership prior to PME events.

A chapter visit to the United States Naval Academy in April is planned; exact dates have not been determined.

Scholarships - The annual NNOA scholarship will be formally announced and disseminated to High School guidance counselors by 31 January 2002. The proposed scholarship application due date is 4 May 2002. Plans for a possible scholarship banquet on 8 June will be announced to the General Body during the December quarterly meeting.

Fundraising - 3rd quarter planned fundraising events include a Basketball Tournament, tentatively scheduled for 16 or 23 March 2002 which will take place at Larson Gymnasium. Capt Parmer will develop the tournament format and additional details before the announcement of the Tournament.

4th Quarter planed fundraising events include a Bowling Tournament, at Little Hall, scheduled on 21 April 2002; a Car Wash which will be conducted aboard Quantico, scheduled on 18 May 2002.

Church Visits - The Chaplain will coordinate the details for two church visits, which will be conducted during the 3rd Quarter. Church visits will be held in February and March respectively. Planning for specific times and locations will be announced prior to the visits.

Future Meetings - 3rd and 4th quarter Executive board meetings will be held one per month on the dates listed or as required by the President. (10 Jan, 7 Feb, 5 Mar, 4 April, 2 May).
3rd and 4th Quarter General body meeting will be conducted quarterly and will be held on 7 March and 30 May 2002.

The planning conference was adjourned at 1230.

Maj Henderson Capt Mewborn
Capt Everly Capt Garcia
Capt Brown 1stLt White
Capt Bryant Capt Kelly
Capt Moore Capt Parmer