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MINUTES OF MEETING 05 October 2000

Meeting called to order at 1739 by the President, LtCol Lindsay, and opened with a prayer by Chaplain.

Lt Col Lindsay- Opening remarks. Welcoming members, guests, and visitors.

The agenda was handed out and read individually. The agenda was adopted with one correction, MSgt Jones would contact a presentation on the proposed Black History Mouth Dinner.

Minutes from the 08 September 2000 meeting were handed out and read individually. The minutes were adopted with no changes. Adopted and accepted without changes.

Membership- Maj Mills briefed the body on Membership dues and procedures. He announced that Membership status reports would be attached to each copy of the Treasurers report. The forms served as an attendance record.

Correspondence- No Correspondence.

Treasurer's report given by Maj Mills. Annual Scholarship balance is currently $712.50 and Chapter Treasury current operating balance is $1,028.80. Total ending balance is $1741.30. Properly moved and seconded to accept report as given.

Committee Reports:

Membership: Membership applications are always available. POC is Capt Mewborn, Maj Mills, or Capt Everly.

Adopt-A-Highway: A road clean up was scheduled to be conducted on Sept 16th. Unfortunately, there were only volunteers in attendance. The chapter has rescheduled the clean up for Oct 28th. Maximum participation is required to insure the success of the event. The chapter will meet in the Commuter Parking Lot across from the front gate of Quantico Base. Col Allen volunteered to bring donuts and bagels; Lt Col Lindsey offered to bring the coffee.

Church Visits: As announced last meeting the chapter will schedule one church visit per quarter. The first visit will be on Saturday, Nov 18th at 2nd New St.Paul Baptist Church in Washington D.C. Directions and details will be forwarded at the next meeting. The time is 1100 to 1300. Service is sponsored by the Washington D.C. Montford Point Marines Association. In addition, the TBS choir will be participating in the service. POC is Lt Col Lindsay.

Professional Military Education Committee: Col Johnson will chair the committee. Capt Everly has volunteered as standing member. The committee is soliciting volunteers. The committee will plan, schedule, and execute PME's for the chapter at different times throughout the year. The Committee is also soliciting ideas of potential PME's, areas of interest and guest speakers. Please forward ideas to Capt Everly.

Hail and Farewell Committee: Capt Mewborn, the committee chair is soliciting volunteers. She is the POC.

Fundraiser Committee: Capt Hanley will chair the fundraising committee. He is still soliciting volunteers.

Unfinished Business:
*National Conference update- The site visit by the National Board to survey Quantico as a site of the National Conference is scheduled for Nov 4th at 0900. The site visit team will meet at Brinkenridge Hall at the Marine Corps Research Center. The Quantico chapter has been tentatively selected to host the 2001 National Conference pending clearance from the Base. The tentative dates are 16-21 July 00. POC is Maj Mills.
*The DC chapter has invited the Quantico Chapter to co-host a monthly meeting. We will return and offer them the opportunity to participate in a monthly meeting in Quantico. The next DC Chapter Meeting is Oct 17 at 1730. POC is Col Johnson.

New Business:

* Adopt-A-Family: The chapter plans to participate in the Adopt-A-Family Program. The chapter will purchase food and/or vouchers for families in the area. The food/or vouchers will be placed in baskets and presented for Thanksgiving and Christmas. More information is to follow. POC is Chaplain Mena.
* Christmas Open House: LtCol Williams suggested that the chapter have a Christmas open House, which would consist of an informal social gathering to meet and greet members and guests. More info is to follow. POC Lt Col Williams.

Ø 22 Oct 00: Marine Corps Marathon
Ø 17 Nov 00: DC Chapter Montford Point Marines church service.
Ø 18 Nov 00: Montford Point Marines Association, Veterans Day Program, Andrews Air Force Base


Col John Allen CO, TBS x5212/5211
Col W. Clayton EO Advisor to CMC x9371
LtCol Eric Lindsay Deputy AC/S Officer Programs, MCRC x9437/38
LtCol Denice Williams Head, Program Support Logistics Branch x5827/28
Maj Don Mills Supply Officer, MCU x6970
Maj Michael Flowers Separation and Retirement Branch x9306
LT Noemi Parrilla-Mena Chaplain, Security BN
Capt Joseph Johnson Fiscal Officer, MCU x2485
Capt Jonathon Newell Finance Officer, MCB Quantico x2459
Capt Katia Garcia Director Information Technology Branch, MCU x6815
Capt Ty Walls XO, Tenant Activities Company, H&S BN x3103
Capt David Everly SPC, Delta Company, TBS x5729
1st Lt Hassen Beckford Deputy AC/S G-6 x6815
2nd Lt Misca Geter Student, TBS
2nd Lt Adrienne Meelarp Student, TBS

Chaplain Mena closed the meeting with a prayer. Adjourned at 1826 by LtCol Lindsay.

Presentation by MSgt Jones about the Black History Month Dinner in February 2001. Profits from the dinner will be donated to the NNOA scholarship fund. The chapter agreed to lend support to the event in any way possible.