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Meeting called to order at 1748 by the President, LtCol Lindsay, and opened with a prayer by LtCol Lindsay.

Minutes for the 4 May 2000 meeting were handed out and read individually. The minutes were adopted with one change, correction to scholarship deadline. The correct deadline was 15 May 2000. Agenda for the night's meeting were handed out and read. Adopted and accepted without changes.

No Correspondence.
Treasurer's report given by Maj Mills. Annual Scholarship balance is currently $712.50 and Chapter Treasury current operating balance is $788.80. Expenses for the month included $100.00 for NNOA Scholarship Advertisement and $22.55 for the scholarship package mail-outs. Donations for the month included $100.00 as an anonymous donation. Total ending balance is $1501.30. Properly moved and seconded to accept report as given.

Committee Reports:
Scholarship Committee report given by Capt Cox. At current, 41 area high schools had received packages containing information on Chapter Scholarship. In total, 50 applications had been received for consideration. Criterion for the scholarship included community service, high school record, extra-curricular activities, a GPA between 2.5 and 3.83 and an overall need for financial assistance. All application packages have received and three top candidates were identified from the pool of 50. From those three top candidates, two were awarded scholarship. The scholarship awardees are Karen Smithson of Osburn Park High School and Jessica Ann Staplen of Courtland High School. At current, rejection and acceptance letters were being drafted and sent out.

Unfinished Business:
· Adopt-A- Highway - LtCol Lindsay received a return phone call from State Highway indicating that the chapter has been approved to adopt the 2.1 mile stretch of U.S. Route 1 from the Back Gate (Russell Road) to the Main Gate (Fuller Road) along both Northbound and Southbound sides. Chapter will be responsible for two years and must clean the road at least four times a year. VDOT (Virginia Department of Transportation) will install sign along Rt 1 that indicates NNOA Quantico Chapter has adopted road. The sign will read "Quantico Chapter, National Naval Officer Assoc." Signs along both Northbound and southbound sides of road should be erected in 6-7 weeks. The discussion and recommendations about times chapter will clean road (Feb, May, Aug, Nov; after major holidays; prior to Marine Corps Birthday Ball, etc) continued from last meeting. It was properly moved and seconded, that the chapter conduct four cleanings a year (Jun, Jul, Sep, Nov). The first cleaning will be on Saturday, June 10th at 0800. The Chapter will meet in the Commuter Parking Lot near the front gate of the base, across from the Iwo Jima Memorial.

· Washington D.C. Chapter Scholarship advertisement- The full page advertisement that Quantico chapter bought was passed around for members to view.

· Membership- Maj Mills announced that 01 Jul 00 would start the next annual year for membership purposes.

New Business:
· Chapter officers elections-The following officers were nominated and elected as Quantico Chapter officers for the 2000-2001 year:

President LtCol Lindsay
Vice-President LtCol Williams
Treasurer Maj Mills
Secretary Capt Everly
Chaplain Vacant
Membership Director Capt Mewborn

Additionally, 1stLt Beckford was appointed as the Chapter Public Affairs Officer, with Mr Johnson as the alternate. LtCol Lindsay informed the body that the Executive Board would be re-instituted for the new year. The chairman for the scholarship committee will be filled at a later date.

· Maj Mills thanks the members for the card and kind words, regarding his recent lost.
· Congratulations to LtCol Bailey for his promotion to Col.
· MGen Stanley will be assigned as the Deputy CG of MCCDC in August.
· BGen(sel) Gaskin will be transferring Training and Education in late summer.
· Col Dunn thanks the members and urges us to use and access the senior officers in the area. LtCol Lindsay thanks Col Dunn for his continued support and guidance to the members of the Quantico Chapter.

Up-coming events include:
LARAZA Conference: 1-5 July in San Diego
NAACP Conference: 7-13 July in Baltimore
MPMA (Montford Point Marine Association) Conference: 13-16 July in Camp Lejeune
NNOA Conference: 2-5 August in San Diego

· Col Dunn (CO, WTBn) will relinquish command 29 June 00 at 1700.


LtCol Lindsay closed the meeting with a prayer. Adjourned at 1900 by LtCol Lindsay.