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Meeting called to order at 1744 by the President, LtCol Lindsay, and opened with a prayer by LtCol Lindsay.

Visitors introduced:
Capt Chris Hampton, USMC
LT Isha Everly, USN

Minutes for the 1 June 2000 meeting were handed out and read individually. The minutes were adopted with no changes. Adopted and accepted without changes.

No Correspondence.
Treasurer's report given by Maj Mills. Annual Scholarship balance is currently $712.50 and Chapter Treasury current operating balance is $868.80. Total ending balance is $1581.30. Properly moved and seconded to accept report as given.

Committee Reports:

Scholarship Committee: At the time of the meeting acceptance letters for the scholarships winners had been sent out. The committee is waiting for responses.

Adopt-A-Highway: The road clean up on 10 June 00 was a success. The turnout was sizable. Thanks to all who participated. The next road clean up is scheduled tentatively for the September/October timeframe. The next clean-up date will be discussed at the September monthly meeting.

Unfinished Business:
* Chapter Officers: LT Mena, USN was elected as the Chapter Chaplain.

New Business:
* 2001 NNOA National Conference: The possibility of the Quantico Chapter hosting the 2001 National Conference. After a lengthy discussion, a vote was taken and the majority was in favor of hosting the National Conference. The chapter's willingness to host the next conference will be presented at the National Conference in August. Except a report during the September meeting.
* Executive Board: The Executive Board has been re-established. The Executive Board consists of all elected chapter officers and anyone interested chapter members. Its purpose would be to meet prior to monthly meeting and decide upon agenda items and issues to bring to the body. The first Executive Board meeting will be on 31 Aug 00 at the Marathon Club.
* Hail and Farewell: The chapter will establish a Fail and Farewell committee to recognize members. The idea is to have at least one Hail and Farewell quarterly. Held in abeyance until September.
* Church Visits: Discussion to re-establish quarterly/monthly church visits. Held in abeyance until September.
* Fundraiser Committee: The chapter will establish a FundRaiser committee to identify and plan a unique or original fundraiser that the Chapter would niche as their own.


Up-coming events include:

NNOA Conference: 2-5 August in San Diego

Chaplain Mena closed the meeting with a prayer. Adjourned at 1919 by LtCol Lindsay.